Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese


Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese


Many of my co-workers love the Kolaches from Shipley’s Donut. one day, I was in the mode of trying to bake them at home. Since I don’t really like the their recipe, I decided to use one of my favorite dough recipes instead. It turns out good, really good.


Dough: 2 tsb dry yeast, 2 tsb sugar, 80g warm milk, 1.5 cups bread flour, 10g lemon juice, 1 egg, 2 tbsp butter (room temperature), a pinch salt.

Filling: 6 beef frank, proper amount grated cheese.

Topping: honey:water = 1:1, proper amount.

Method:Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese

1. Mix dry yeast and sugar, melted by warm milk, set aside for several minutes, or until you see lots of bubbles on the surface.

2. Add all the dough ingredients except butter into yeast mixture, form a ball.

3. Add butter to dough, punch for several minutes until dough is smooth and elastic.

4. Set dough aside until dough get double sized.Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese

If you’re in rush, you can let dough rest for about 10-15 minutes.

5. Punch dough down, then seperate into 6 equal pieces.

6. Roll each pieces into rectangle shape, a little bit wider than length of the beef frank, and cut one end as shown in picture.

7. Sprinkle grated cheese at the end with cuts, roll beef frank as shown in picture, make sure seam is at bottom. Then set aside until double-sized.Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese

8. Preheat oven to 350 degree.

9. Mix honey and water, brush on top of bread, bake about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

10. Brush honey mixture on top of bread right after taking bread out of oven, transfer to wired rack to cool.

I was in a playing mode, and tried to do the beef frank in a different way, below is what I did:

Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese          Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese          Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese          Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese


Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese



Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat


Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat


I love the uncooked tortilla. It’s so easy and convenient to cook with it. And it tastes good, better than cooked ones.

Ingredients:Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat

uncooked tortilla, ground meat, egg, green onion, seasoning.


1. Chop green onion into little pieces, mix with a little bit salt, set aside for several minutes.

2. Beat egg well, set aside.Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat

3. Season meat, then mix with green onion.

Use less salt, since green onion is salty.

4. Brush a thin layer of egg on a tortilla, then spread a layer of meat, then brush a layer of egg and roll it up.

Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat          Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat          Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat

5. Heat up the frying pan, add some cooking oil, pan fry the burrito until golden brown on medium heat.

6. Serve hot.


Tortilla Burrito with Ground Meat














肉末卷饼        肉末卷饼          肉末卷饼          肉末卷饼


























Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear

Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear

Bitter Melon is also called Bitter Squash. As its name, it does taste bitter, but it’s good for you, by Chinese sayings. Actually, anything tastes bitter is good for your health, by old sayings in China.

I’m not a bitter melon fan, but I do cook it once a while, mainly stir fry with eggs.

Ingredients:Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear

2 medium size bitter melon, 3 eggs, 2 red cayenne pepper, 10 wood ear, seasoning to taste.


1. Soak wood ear in water for about an hour, then clean it up. Tear into smaller pieces if it’s too big.

2. Cut bitter melon in half, scoop the seeds out, then chop into pieces.

3. Chop pepper into pieces.

4. Mix eggs with a little bit cooking wine, set aside.

5. Heat up skillet with high heat, add cooking oil, pour eggs, cook until eggs get firm. Transfer eggs to a plate, set aside.

Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear              Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear

6. Add cooking oil to skillet, stir fry wood ear until you start hearing it pop.

7. Add pepper and bitter melon into skillet, cook for several minutes, then add salt and pepper, a pinch of sugar. Keeping cooking and stirring.

8. Add cooked eggs back into skillet, keep cooking until bitter melon get some tender.

9. Transfer to plate, serve when it’s hot.

Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear

To view this recipe in Chinese, please click here.

Black Fungus (Wood Ear)


Wood Ear


Wood Ear showing in picture is the ready-to-cook look. It’s one kind of dry ingredient, you have to soak it in water for at least an hour before you cook it.

Wood ear has different names in English. This name should be translated directly from its Chinese name. A lot of times, it’s called ‘black fungus’.

Below are the links from wiki:Wood Ear


Some dishes cooked with black fungus:

Stir Fried Luffa with Eggs


Stir Fried Napa with Shrimp and Black Fungus


Stir Fried Asparagus with Preserved PorkStir Fried Asparagus with Preserved Pork










2、甘蓝切块,大概 2-3 公分见方的样子。



培根炖甘蓝         培根炖甘蓝        培根炖甘蓝



6、大火烧开之后,小火炖 10 分钟。

7、加入培根碎,翻拌均匀,继续炖 10 分钟。

8、翻一次锅,再炖 5-10 分钟即可出锅。





Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and Onion


Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and OnionAmerican cabbage is different from Chinese ones. Cabbage leaves in Chinese version are much thinner and are easier to stir fry. I had a hard time to cook cabbage when I first moved here. This is the first cabbage dish in American version I learned here.

Ingredients:Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and Onion

cabbage, onion, bacon, chicken broth/water, salt and pepper to taste

I cooked half of the cabbage, so I used half of the onion in the picture.


1. Chop onion to small pieces, set aside.Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and Onion

2. Chop cabbage to cubes, set aside.

3. Heat up skillet, add cooking oil, set to medium high heat, cook onion for several minutes until tender.

4. Add cabbage to skillet, cook for about 3 minutes, add salt and pepper, keep stirring until cabbage start sweating.Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and Onion

5. Cook cabbage until it start shrinking, add chicken broth/water until halfway cover cabbage. Bring broth to boil on high heat, then simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.

I don’t like to have too much juice in dish, so I don’t really pour too much broth. If you like to have more juice, you can add water/broth until cabbage are fully covered.Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and Onion

6. Add bacon, stir, simmer for another 10 minutes.

7. Stir well, simmer for another 10 minutes.

8. Serve hot.


Steamed Cabbage with Bacon and Onion







材料: 烤黄西葫芦

黄西葫芦 1 磅,洋葱半个,鸡蛋一个,饼干碎(cracker crumb) 1 杯,牛奶 1/3 杯,黄油 1/4 杯,乳酪(cheese)碎半杯,盐、黑胡椒适量。


1、西葫芦切片,洋葱切的稍微碎一些,上屉蒸 5 分钟,沥水,静置待用。

2、饼干碎和乳酪碎混匀,分一半和西葫芦拌匀。 烤黄西葫芦



5、烤箱预热华氏 400 度。

6、6×9 烤盘涂一层油防粘,然后倒入西葫芦混合物,摊平。 烤黄西葫芦


8、烤盘放入烤箱,烤 25 分钟左右,或者到表面金黄即可。




Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion


Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion   I found this recipe online, it looks simple and easy, so I decided to give it a try.

Ingredients:Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion

1lb yellow squash, 1/2 onion, 1 cup cracker crumb, 1/2 cup grated cheese, 1 egg, 1/3 cup milk, 4 tsb butter, salt and pepper to taste.


1. Slice yellow squash, chop onion, then steam for 5 minutes.

2. Drain vegetable after steaming, set aside.Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion

3. Mix cheese and cracker crumb, fold in half of the mixture with vegetable.

4. Whisk egg and milk, add to vegetable mixture.

5. Melt butter, add half to the vegetable mixture.

6. Preheat oven to 400°F.

7. Mix remaining butter with remaining cracker crumb.Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion

8. Pour vegetable mixture into a baking dish.

The one I used is 6×9.

9. Sprinkle remaining cracker crumb on top, bake for about 25 minutes or until the top turn golden brown.


Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion