




材料: 烤黄西葫芦

黄西葫芦 1 磅,洋葱半个,鸡蛋一个,饼干碎(cracker crumb) 1 杯,牛奶 1/3 杯,黄油 1/4 杯,乳酪(cheese)碎半杯,盐、黑胡椒适量。


1、西葫芦切片,洋葱切的稍微碎一些,上屉蒸 5 分钟,沥水,静置待用。

2、饼干碎和乳酪碎混匀,分一半和西葫芦拌匀。 烤黄西葫芦



5、烤箱预热华氏 400 度。

6、6×9 烤盘涂一层油防粘,然后倒入西葫芦混合物,摊平。 烤黄西葫芦


8、烤盘放入烤箱,烤 25 分钟左右,或者到表面金黄即可。




Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion


Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion   I found this recipe online, it looks simple and easy, so I decided to give it a try.

Ingredients:Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion

1lb yellow squash, 1/2 onion, 1 cup cracker crumb, 1/2 cup grated cheese, 1 egg, 1/3 cup milk, 4 tsb butter, salt and pepper to taste.


1. Slice yellow squash, chop onion, then steam for 5 minutes.

2. Drain vegetable after steaming, set aside.Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion

3. Mix cheese and cracker crumb, fold in half of the mixture with vegetable.

4. Whisk egg and milk, add to vegetable mixture.

5. Melt butter, add half to the vegetable mixture.

6. Preheat oven to 400°F.

7. Mix remaining butter with remaining cracker crumb.Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion

8. Pour vegetable mixture into a baking dish.

The one I used is 6×9.

9. Sprinkle remaining cracker crumb on top, bake for about 25 minutes or until the top turn golden brown.


Yellow Squash Casserole with Onion