Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard


Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard


Moon cake is the traditional food for Mid-Autumn Festival. Crystal Moon Cake is a new kind moon cake came to market several years ago. I think young ones like this type of moon cake better.

Ingredients:Crystal Moon Cake with Egg CustardCrystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard

Dough: 45 gram sticky rice flour, 35 gram white rice flour, 20 gram wheat starch, 185 gram milk, 50 gram sugar powder, 20 ml cooking oil.

Filling: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp custard powder, 120 ml milk, 5o gram flour, 40 gram butter.Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard

Else: moon cake mold, cooked sticky rice flour.



1. Mix milk, cooking oil and sugar, stir until mix well.

Try not use heavy-taste/smell oil, such as olive oil, I used vegetable oil.

2. Add sticky rice flour, white rice flour and wheat starch into liquid mixture, stir until its smooth.

3. Steam batter for about 10 minutes, stir well, then steam for another 10 minutes.Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard

4. Use fork/chopsticks stir the dough really good, then set aside to let it cool.

5. Punch dough with hands until it’s smooth when it’s not hot.

The dough is sticky, I normally wrap it with shrink wrap then punch it.


1. Mix egg and sugar, beat well.

2. Add custard powder into egg mixture, stir until smooth.Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard

3. Add milk into egg mixture, mix well.

4. Sift flour, then add into egg mixture, stir until smooth.

5. Chop butter into small chunk pieces, add into mixture.

6. Steam mixture for about 1o minutes, stir several times during steaming.

You can use a 2-layer boiling pan.

7. Set filling aside until it’s cool.

Moon Cake:

1. Separate dough and filling into even amount pieces, I normally do 20 gram each, by the mold I use.

2. Roll each piece into a ball.

3. Flat the dough ball, use your finger to push/squeeze it so you can cover the filling ball with it. Then roll it into a bigger ball.

Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard    Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard    Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard    Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard

4. Make sure the moon cake ball is lightly coated with cooked sticky rice flour, then put it into mold, press lightly, turn mold over to release moon cake.

You can cook the sticky rice flour yourself, it’s simple: heat up skillet on medium heat, no oil added, constantly stir sticky rice flour until it turns lightly lightly brown. Then set aside to let it cool.

Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard         Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard          Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard

 5. Put moon cake in refrigerator for several hours or overnight, then it’s ready to serve.


Crystal Moon Cake with Egg Custard








皮:45 克糯米粉,35 克粘米粉,20 克澄面(小麦淀粉),185 克牛奶,50 克糖粉,20 毫升色拉油

馅:2 个鸡蛋,2 大勺糖,2 大勺蛋黄粉,120 毫升牛奶,50 克面粉,40 克黄油





2、所有的面粉倒入牛奶糊拌匀,上屉蒸 20 分钟左右。中间搅拌 2-3 次。冰皮月饼








5、拌好的面糊隔水蒸 10 分钟左右,中间搅拌几次,放凉待用。


1、皮和馅各按 20 克称好,揉成球状。




冰皮月饼          冰皮月饼          冰皮月饼


冰皮月饼          冰皮月饼          冰皮月饼


