




1. 酵母和等量的白糖混合,用温水化开,静置几分钟到酵母发起,表面充满气泡。

2. 面粉加入少量的盐和一点食用油,然后倒入酵母液搅拌成面穗,直到看不到太多的干面粉,然后揉搓成面团。




3. 揉好的面团表面抹一层食用油,然后盖上湿布或者保鲜膜,静置 30 分钟左右,或者到面团发起。

4. 发起的面团重新揉匀,尽量排出空气,然后分成大小均匀的剂子。

5. 把每个剂子揉匀,揉成表面光滑的馒头生坯,放入笼屉静置 20 分钟左右。

6. 蒸锅倒入冷水,大火烧开,然后转中火蒸 15 – 20 分钟。停火后静置 5 分钟左右再把馒头拿出来。


Steaming Bun without Filling

In north China, bread or something made with flour is more popular than rice on kitchen table. For example, I won’t miss rice if I don’t have it for a week, but I definately will miss something made with flour. And this is why you see me posting food made with flour a lot.


wheat flour, yeast, sugar, salt, oil.


1. Soak sugar and yeast into warm water, let the mixture sit for 5 – 10 minutes, let the yeast melt, and bubbles come up on the surface.

You don’t need  lots of sugar, I normally do same amount of sugar as yeast.


2. Pour flour into a bowl, add little cooking oil, tiny bit salt, then add yeast mixture into the bowl, form everything into a dough. Add more warm water if needed.

I know lots of people would say the flour brand or type doesn’t matter, you can get the same result. But I do like this brand better, and I always use bread flour instead of all purpose flour.

3. Coat the dough with cooking oil, keep it covered, then let it sit for at least 30 minutes, or until dough gets bigger.

4. Reform the dough, try to get as much air as you can out of the dough. then seperate the dough into small pieces.

5. Roll each piece into a smooth shape, put into the steaming tray. Then let it sit for about 20 minutes.

6. Pour cold water into steamer, heat it up with medium high heat with all the trays on. Turn heat into medium when water begin boiling. Cook for 15 – 20 minutes depends on the bun size.

7. Let the steamer sit for 5 minutes after cooking, then take the buns out, let them cool off.

8. Buns can be served warm, and can be reheat with microwave oven or steamer after cool.







1. 苦瓜洗净,切成两半,把白瓤清理干净。



2. 白菜去叶留帮,切条。

3. 胡萝卜削去表皮,切丝。

4. 用调味料调好酱汁,浇在切好的菜上面,拌匀。


5. 拌好的苦瓜静置几分钟入味,即可上桌。

Bitter Melon Salad with Napa and Carrot

I talked with a friend right before I made this dish. He said he never had bitter melon salad before, and he didn’t even know bitter melon can eat raw. So I decided to make this salad to show him.

I love salad during the summer. The big difference between Chinese salad and American salad is the dressing. We make our salad dressing by mixing vinegar, soybean sauce, sesame oil, etc. 


bitter melon, napa cabbage, carrot, seasoning.


1. Slice bitter melon in the middle, clean all the white stuff, then slice into thin slices. 

2. Shred carrot and napa cabbage. Mix with sliced bitter melon.

3. Mix whatever seasoning you would like to use, or if you prefer store bought salad dressing.

I used salt, sugar, vinegar, soybean sauce and sesame oil.

4. Pour salad dressing over vegetables, mix well, let it sit for several minutes to have the salad well seasoned. 

5. Serve it cold. 

Bitter Melon


Bitter Melon


Of Course, bitter melon tastes some bitter. 

A lot people don’t like the bitter taste. But once you fall in love with it, you’ll like it as it is.

there are seeds inside bitter melon, and you don’t want to cook it with the seeds. 

To clean the seeds, I normally use a spoon to scoop all the white out of it. Then it won’t taste too bitter after cooking.

Below is the wiki link:



For dishes cooked with bitter melon, please see following links:

Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Wood Ear

Stir Fried Bitter Melon with Eggs and Woodear


Bitter Melon Salad with napa and carrot







1. 小土豆清洗干净,冷水下锅,开锅之后小火煮 15 分钟,然后捞出,用冷水过一下,用刀略微拍扁。


2. 小葱切葱花,花生用刀拍碎,和芝麻及辣椒碎一起放入碗里。

3. 平底锅倒油烧热,中火,放入拍扁的小土豆煎至一面金黄,然后翻面。两面金黄之后盛出放入盘中。



4. 用小锅烧热油,倒入调料碗中,静置一两分钟,把辣椒和葱花爆香,然后放入盐,五香粉等调料,搅拌均匀,倒在土豆上面即可。


Hot and Spicy Bite-size Potato

Yellow potato is my favorite potato now. It tastes much better than regular potato.

I bought some bite-size yellow potato. The original plan was roasted them in the oven, but I really didn’t want to deal with the hot oven, so I decided to cook it in a different way.


bite-size potato, white sesame seeds, roasted peanuts, green onion, crashed pepper, seasoning.


1. Put potatoes into pot, cover with cold water. Bring to boil on medium high heat, then simmer for 15 minutes.


2. Drain potatoes, then rinse with cold water.

3. Press on potatoes to make them some flat.

4. Meantime, chop green onion and mash peanuts, then put in a bowl with sesame seeds and crashed pepper.

5. Heat up skillet, pour some oil, then start frying potatoes, flip until one side is golden brown, lay on plate when they are golden brown on both sides.


6. Heat some oil with a small pot on medium heat. Pour oil into the seasoning bowl.

The oil can’t be too hot, otherwise the pepper will be brunt out. If you are not sure about the temperature, you can sprinkle a couple of pieces of the pepper to test the temperature. Turn heat off when temperature is right, and pour into bowl right away.

7. Let the seasoning cook for a minutes, then Add salt, pepper and any seasoning you want to add into the bowl. Sprinkle on top of potatoes.

Now it’s time to serve!




1. 挂面煮熟,用凉水过两遍冲凉,沥干水分。
2. 鸡蛋煮熟,剥去蛋壳,切成两半。
3. 醋和糖按自己的口味拌匀,加一点盐,让盐和糖化匀。
我在网上搜了一下,醋和糖的比例应该是2:1. 不过各人口味不同,所以可以按自己的口味适当调整。
4. 把凉水(矿泉水)倒进大碗里,再倒入适量的糖醋汁搅匀。
5. 把沥过水的面条盛到碗里。
6. 黄瓜切丝,西红柿切片,和切好的鸡蛋一起铺在面条上面。
7. 把面和菜拌匀即可开吃。


Cold Soba (North Korean Style)

This cold soba tasted like what I had when I was in Northeast China. Since it tasted quite different from what I had here in those Korean restaurant, I assume this is the North Korean style since what restaurants here serve is the South Korean style.

I never thought about cooking it until I order it in a Chinese restaurant in College Park, Maryland. It brought me lots of old time memory, so I decided to repeat it at home.


Chinese Spaghetti, cucumber, tomato, tea egg, cold bottled water, sesame seeds, seasoning


1. Add cold water into pan, bring to boil on medium high heat, cook Chinese Spaghetti according to package directions.

2. Pour spaghetti into a drainer, rinse with cold water, then drain.

3. Meantime, peel tea egg and slice into half, chop cucumber into sticks and slice tomato into small slices.

4. Have a big bowl ready, set spaghetti at the bottom, then lay cucumber, tomato and egg on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

5. Use a small bowl, mix the seasoning together. Vinegar : sugar should be 2 : 1, but you can adjust it according to your taste. Add some salt, stir until sagar and salt is melted.

6. Pour vinegar mix and cold bottled water into bowl to have everything in bowl covered. Now it’s ready to serve.









1. 鸡蛋放入凉水锅里,水中略加一点盐,中大火烧开,然后关火。


传统的鸡蛋煮法是开锅之后转小火,再煮将近 10 分钟,然后关火。我觉得那样煮出来的蛋有点老,再加上这次的蛋回头还要再煮的,所以我把水烧开之后就关火了。

2. 煮蛋的同时,另外用一口锅,倒入足够的凉水,放入红茶和香料包,加入适量的酱油,盐和少量的糖,中大火烧开,然后转小火。





3. 煮好的鸡蛋用勺子背敲碎蛋壳,然后放入调料锅里。


4. 鸡蛋全部放入调料锅之后,中大火把水烧开,然后关火。鸡蛋继续浸泡在香料水中入味,不过随时可以捞出来食用。

我不喜欢香料味道太重,所以关火大概 10 分钟左右就把香料包捞出来丢掉了,只留下了茶叶包。喜欢香料味道的,可以把香料包留的久一些。

5. 茶叶蛋凉吃热吃都可以,浸泡的时间也没有要求,具体操作看个人的口味。
