


蛋糕:4 个室温鸡蛋、3/4 杯蛋糕粉、3/4 杯白糖、50 克食用油、1.5 茶勺泡打粉。


11×17 烤盘、烤盘纸、厨房薄巾、糖粉



1. 烤箱预热 375 华氏度。

2. 烤盘底部轻喷一层防沾油,然后铺上烤盘纸,角落的地方剪开一个小口折叠,确保烤盘纸贴合烤盘底部和四周。

3. 把鸡蛋的蛋白和蛋黄分开,蛋白和半杯白糖一起打发,直到蛋白起泡呈固态。

4. 把蛋黄和剩余的白糖一起打发,直到蛋黄液颜色变淡。


5. 蛋糕粉和泡打粉搅拌均匀,和蛋黄液一起拌匀,然后加入食用油搅拌均匀。

6. 分三次把蛋白液拌入蛋黄液,每次搅拌均匀之后再加入新的蛋白液。

7. 把蛋糕糊倒入烤盘,抹平表面,放入预热好的烤箱烤至表面金黄,大概 12-15 分钟。

8. 烤蛋糕的同时,把厨房巾摊平,上面撒一层糖粉备用。

9. 蛋糕烤好之后,马上拿出烤箱,放在准备好的布巾上面,小心撕去烤盘纸,用剪刀剪去四边,和布巾一起把蛋糕卷起来直至放凉。


10. 等待蛋糕放凉的时候,需要打发淡奶油。打发好之后,分出一部分用来装饰蛋糕表面。

11. 分出一些草莓,切成小碎块,和准备做夹馅的淡奶油拌在一起。剩下的草莓切成喜欢的形状用来装饰蛋糕表面。


12. 蛋糕放凉之后,把蛋糕卷摊开,上面均匀铺上一层草莓奶油糊,再重新卷起来,同时把布巾和蛋糕分开。

13. 把蛋糕卷切成需要的长度,横放,涂上淡奶油,再放上草莓装饰就可以开吃啦!


Swiss Roll with Whipping Cream and Strawberry

I fall in love with this cake roll, or you can call it swiss roll. It’s not too sweet, and it’s not too hard to make, and you can cut it into bite size so you won’t feel too guilty when serving and eating.


cake: 4 eggs (room temperature), 3/4 cup cake flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 50g vegetable oil, 1.5 teaspoon baking powder.

ingredients for rolling cake: sugar powder

topping: whipping cream, strawberry.



1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Lightly grease the 11×17 baking pan with baking spray, then line parchment paper at the bottom of the baking pan, make sure the parchment paper is big enough to cover all the sidewalls. Cut the four corners and fold neatly so the parchment paper would fit the pan.


3. In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg whites with 1/2 cup of sugar on high speed until stiff peaks form.

4. In another mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks, remaining sugar. Beat on high speed until light and fluffy.

5. Sift the flour, then mix with baking powder. Pour the flour mixture into egg yolk mixture, beat on low speed to mix well.

6. Pour vegetable oil into the mixture, and mix well.

7. Fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture in 3 parts, until no white streaks remain.

8. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan and smooth into an even layer. Then put into oven to bake until golden brown, about 12-15 minutes.


9. While cake is baking, lay out a clean smooth kitchen towel on countertop and dust with powdered sugar.

10. Right after the cake come out of the oven, Immediately flip the cake out onto the dusted kitchen towel and carefully peel off the parchment paper and discard. With a pair of scissors, trim the edge off the cake, then roll up the cake from long/short end with the towel into a tight log.

11. Keep the cake roll up until the cake compeletely cool off.


12. While cake is cooling, pour whipping cream into a mixing bowl, and start beating on low speed, increase the speed as the cream get thicker, until forming soft peaks. Scoop some cream out for topping, leave the rest for filling.

13. Chop some strawberry into small pieces, mix with whipping cream filling.

14. Slice strawberry into the shape you like for topping purposes.

15. After the cake cooled off, unroll the cake, Spread the whipped cream in an even layer over the cake. Using the towel to help, roll the cake back up into a log, peeling the towel back off the cake as you roll.

16. Slice the rolled cake into the desired width, cover with whipping cream then sliced strawberry.