I was in meat mode yesterday, and ribs was the only meat I had, so I cooked some ribs. And it turned out really good, everybody likes it!
ribs, cellophane noodle (this wasn’t planned to begin with), seasoning.
1. Chop ribs into small pieces.
I normally ask the supermarket to slice ribs into inch-wide strips, and then chop them by bones before I cook.
2. Put ribs into a sauce pan, add cold water, then cover with lid, medium high heat, bring pan to boil. Turn off the heat, let it sit for about 5 minutes.
3. Pour ribs into a drainer, raise with warm water, drain well.
4. Put ribs into a container (I used a ziploc bag), add whatever seasoning into bag, massage some, let it sit for several hours.
For seasoning, I used cooking wine, vinegar, soy bean sauce, sugar, garlic powder, ginger powder, oyster sauce, and ground pepper. If you like salty food, you can add some salt into it.
5. Meantime, soak cellophane noodle into cold water.
6. Find a deep plate (like soup plate), lay cellophane noodle at the bottom, then set ribs on top of it.
7. Fill steamer with water, high heat to bring it to boil, then put ribs in, adjust heat to medium after several minutes. Total cooking time is about 30 minutes.

Most of the time when I steam something, the plate will come out with a circle of marks of food, but this time the plate actually came out with clean edge. I think it’s because the cellophane noodle at bottom.