





面团:高筋面粉 200 克(1.5 杯),酵母 2 小勺,温牛奶 80 克,柠檬汁 10 克,鸡蛋 1 个,室温黄油 30 克(2 大勺),白糖 2 小勺,盐少许。

馅:热狗肠 6 根,碎乳酪适量。



1、酵母和白糖混合,用温牛奶化开,静置 10 分钟左右或到酵母液表面充满气泡。毛毛虫热狗包



如果时间比较紧,这步饧发可以省略,面团略饧 10-15 分钟即可。






9、烤箱预热 350 华氏度(175 摄氏度)。

10、蜂蜜和水混匀,刷在生坯表面,放入烤箱烤 20 分钟左右或到表面金黄。



毛毛虫热狗包         毛毛虫热狗包         毛毛虫热狗包        毛毛虫热狗包




Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese


Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese


Many of my co-workers love the Kolaches from Shipley’s Donut. one day, I was in the mode of trying to bake them at home. Since I don’t really like the their recipe, I decided to use one of my favorite dough recipes instead. It turns out good, really good.


Dough: 2 tsb dry yeast, 2 tsb sugar, 80g warm milk, 1.5 cups bread flour, 10g lemon juice, 1 egg, 2 tbsp butter (room temperature), a pinch salt.

Filling: 6 beef frank, proper amount grated cheese.

Topping: honey:water = 1:1, proper amount.

Method:Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese

1. Mix dry yeast and sugar, melted by warm milk, set aside for several minutes, or until you see lots of bubbles on the surface.

2. Add all the dough ingredients except butter into yeast mixture, form a ball.

3. Add butter to dough, punch for several minutes until dough is smooth and elastic.

4. Set dough aside until dough get double sized.Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese

If you’re in rush, you can let dough rest for about 10-15 minutes.

5. Punch dough down, then seperate into 6 equal pieces.

6. Roll each pieces into rectangle shape, a little bit wider than length of the beef frank, and cut one end as shown in picture.

7. Sprinkle grated cheese at the end with cuts, roll beef frank as shown in picture, make sure seam is at bottom. Then set aside until double-sized.Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese

8. Preheat oven to 350 degree.

9. Mix honey and water, brush on top of bread, bake about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

10. Brush honey mixture on top of bread right after taking bread out of oven, transfer to wired rack to cool.

I was in a playing mode, and tried to do the beef frank in a different way, below is what I did:

Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese          Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese          Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese          Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese


Caterpillar Shaped Bread with Beef Frank and Cheese