Fried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green Onion


Fried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green Onion


This is the very first time to me to cook eggplant from my own vegetable garden, and this is why I decided to cook something really special.

Fried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green OnionFried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green OnionIngredients:

Dipping Batter: flour, corn starch, egg, seasoning

Eggplant Sandwich: eggplant, shrimp, green onion


Fried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green Onion1. Mix flour and corn starch as 1:1, then add seasoning, egg and water to make a dipping batter.

2. Chop green onion into little pieces, sprinkle with salt, set aside.

3. Chop shrimp into little pieces, mix with green onion.

4. Slice eggplant.

Fried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green Onion5. Spread some shrimp mixture on 1 slice of eggplant, then cover with another slice of eggplant to form an eggplant sandwich. Repeat until all the eggplant slices are gone.

6. Heat up deep fryer.

7. Dip eggplant sandwiches into dipping batter, then deep fry until it’s golden brown.

8. Drain on paper towel, serve when hot.


Fried Eggplant Sandwich with Shrimp and Green Onion


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