

这几年去了几次 Memphis,老公说去了 Memphis 一定要吃他们的干烤排骨。于是我们转战了几家 BBQ 餐馆品尝了不同口味的干烤排骨。我对干烤排骨有了更多的了解和理解。唯一遗憾的就是一旦离开 Memphis,就很难吃到这种干烤排骨了。

最近一次去 Memphis 的时候,餐馆的侍应生给了我们一小盒干烤排骨的调料,回家之后我就是尝试了一下先煮后烤的做法,老公大加赞赏,但是我觉得我对餐馆的调料没有那么的满意。所以我就开始了自己的调料混合尝试。目前的配比是我最满意的混合。当然,我做饭纯粹是靠感觉,所以对调料没有准确的用量记录。


小肋排(baby back ribs)一板。



1. 姜切片,肋排切成几块。锅内倒入冷水,加适量料酒和醋,放入肋排和姜片,中大火烧开,关火静置 5 – 10 分钟。



2. 把排骨捞出来,用温水冲洗干净。锅里的水倒掉。

3. 煮锅清洗干净,重新倒入凉水,加入料酒,醋,一点白糖,花椒,大料,丁香,草果,陈皮,桂皮,一袋绿茶,再加入一点老抽调色,中大火烧开。


4. 开锅之后转小火,略煮几分钟,捞出茶包,草果和陈皮,然后放入排骨,大火烧开,转小火煮 35 分钟左右。关火之后,排骨留在锅内至少 30 分钟再捞出来。



5. 把烤排骨的调料配好拌匀。


6. 烤箱预热 400 华氏度。

7. 烤箱上面铺一层锡纸,把排骨捞出来放好,然后用小勺把调料尽量均匀的撒在排骨上面,放入预热好的烤箱烤 20 分钟左右。

8. 烤好就可以开吃啦!



Dry Rub Ribs

I am not good at grilling, but I do bake from time to time. I used to bake ribs, such as Cumin Flavored Ribs.

Several years ago, I went to Memphis with my husband on a business trip. He introduced the dry rub ribs to me. He took me to a restaurant at downtown Memphis, it’s called ‘The Rendezvous’. That is the oldest BBQ restaurant in Memphis, and its main location is at the basement of the building. I had my first dry rub ribs over there.

The next time we went back to Memphis, we stayed at a hotel far away from downtown Memphis, So I tried to find a BBQ restaurant closer to where we stay, and I found one! We both love their ribs. And the waiter was kind enough to offer us some dry rub seasoning with our left over ribs. This restaurant is called ‘Corky’s Ribs and BBQ’. This is where I got my cooking idea.


one slab of baby back ribs

I will list detailed seasoning in the methods.


There are 3 steps to cook the rib. Let’s start with step 1.

1. Cut ribs into pieces to fit the pot.

I don’t have a pot that the uncut ribs would fit, so I normally cut every 3 or 4 bones.

2. Fill the pot with cold water, drop in a few slices of ginger root, add 2-3 tbsp cooking wine and 1-2 tbsp vinegar. Put ribs into the pot, Medium high heat bring to boil.

Ginger, cooking wine and vinegar combination are my secret when cooking meat to get rid of the meaty taste and smell. And they always work fine.

3. As the water temperiture goes up, you will see some bubbles floating on top of water. Use something to scope them out as much as you can.

4. Once you scope most of the bubbles out, turn heat off, put lid back on, let the pot sit for about 5 minutes.

Now it’s time for step 2.

5. Prepare the seasoning for step 2.

What I normally use are Zanthoxylum, Star Anise, cinnamon stick, dry cloves, basil leaves, green tea, tangerine peel and amomum villosum as the dry seasoning.

Also, cooking wine, vinegar, sugar and soy sauce will be needed. Soy sauce is only used for color purposes. I like the meat to show a darker color. You can see the difference from the below pictures.


6. Take ribs out of pot. Clean the pot, and fill up with cold or hot water, put all the seasoning in, medium high heat bring to boil, then keep it simmer for about 5 minutes.

This time, I put just 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp vinegar, 1 tsp sugar into the pot. You can pour as much soy sauce in as you want to depends on the darkness you like.

7. Rinse all the rib, clean all the dirty stuff out. See before and after from the picture.

Also, rinse all the ginger slices, put them back into the pot.

8. After simmer for 5 minutes, find the tea bag, tangerine peel and amomum villosum from the pot and toss them.

These three has strong taste to me, so I don’t let them take over the taste of seasoning. My theory on seasoning is a good balance of the combination instead of a very strong individual seasoning.

9. Put all the ribs into the pot, turn heat to medium high, bring to boil, then simmer for about 35 minutes. Leave ribs in the pot for at least 30 minutes.

Time may vary, depends on how tender you want the meat to be.

I normally leave ribs in the pot for overnight, bake them in the morning.

Finally, we come to step 3.

10. Get all the seasoning ready and mix well.

What’s showing in the picture is my current favorite combination. You can make whatever changed you like to, according to how you want the ribs to taste.

11. Preheat oven to 400°F.

12. Lay a foil sheet over the baking pan, then lay ribs on top, use a spoon to spread the seasoning evenly over the ribs. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes.

I like to use foil sheet because I am too lazy to clean the baking pan 🙂

You can save the juice left from the pot. I try to remove all the grease and leftover herbs from the pot, then put the juice in freezer for next time use. And you can add less herb or no herb when you reuse it. The more you reuse, the more it tastes better.

13. Now it’s time to serve!