Spaghetti with Meatball and Shrimp


Spaghetti with Meatball and Shrimp

I was never a spaghetti person, until back a while ago, I have some spaghetti at a friend’s place. He cooked the spaghetti so good, I fell in love with it. I know my spaghetti tastes nowhere close to his cooking, but I’ll keep trying.


spaghetti, pasta sauce, meatball, shrimp, garlic leaves, butter, chicken broth.

Spaghetti with Meatball and ShrimpMethods:

1. Chop garlic leaves into small pieces.

2. Cook spaghetti by instructions, drain well, then mix with a little bit butter, set aside.

3. Meantime, pour some chicken broth and pasta sauce into sauce pan, bring to boil on medium heat, add meatball, bring to boil again, then add shrimp, keep cooking until shrimp change color.

4. Sprinkle garlic leaves, mix well.

5. Transfer to plate, serve when hot.


Spaghetti with Meatball and Shrimp


I decided to start a vegetable garden. After some work, now it’s almost set up and I planted some garlic about 2 month ago. It’s my first time planting garlic in soil, I noticed that the garlic is growing slow because of the temperature, but it looks much stronger, and looks very healthy. After a rainy morning, everything looks fresh and green.


garlic leaves


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