Flower Shaped Bread

    I love the shape of the bread, it looks really like a flower. I just couldn’t stop thinking of baking it myself. Now here it is. Ingredients: 300 gram flour, 60 gram milk, 1 little bag dry yeast, 2 & 1 egg yolk, 1 egg, 20 gram condensed milk, 40 gram sugar, 40 gram  cream, 45 gram butter, a pinch salt Method: 1. Set all the ingredients to room temperature. 2. Heat milk, make sure it’s warm. 3. Mix yeast with same amount sugar, dissolve in warm milk, set aside until it’s full of bubble. 4. Set 1 egg yolk aside, mix everything together until the dough is smooth. Then set aside (you can coat the dough with some oil, so it won’t be sticky.) until dough double in size. 5. Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces. Roll each piece flat as showing in picture. 6. Roll each flat piece into a long stick. 7. Form the stick as showing in pictures, hide the ends at the bottom. Then place on greased baking sheet until double in size. 8. Preheat oven to 350°F. 9. Brush the surface with the egg yolk, then bake until it’s light brown on surface. 10. Brush with butter after taking out of oven so it looks shining (optional). Serve when it’s warm.  


    喜欢这款面包就是因为喜欢它的造型,烤出来的面包象朵花一样,看着就觉得舒服,所以我这个一向不怎么热衷烤面包的人忍不住手痒,又烤了一次面包。 材料: 面粉 300 克、牛奶 60 克、干酵母 1 小袋、蛋黄 2 个加 1 个(刷面包表面用)、鸡蛋 1 个、盐少许、炼乳 20 克、白糖 40 克、奶油(cream)40 克、黄油(butter)45 克。 做法: 1、所有材料回温。 2、牛奶加热到温热但不烫手的程度。 3、酵母和等量白糖混匀,用温牛奶化开,静置至酵母液表面充满气泡。 4、除了一个蛋黄外的其他材料全部混入酵母液中,和成光滑的面团,静置到面团发起到原来的两倍大。 5、发好的面团排气揉扁,平均分成八份。 6、取其中一份面团,擀成细长的面片,然后把面片卷起成长条。 7、把长条按图示整理成型。 8、把长条的接口藏在下面。 9、把成型的面包生坯放在烤盘上面,静置至少 30 分钟。 10、烤箱预热 350 华氏度。 11、在面包生坯上面刷一层蛋黄,放入烤箱烤到面包表面上色即可。 12、面包拿出烤箱后可以趁热刷一层黄油或者蜂蜜水,这样面包表面会比较有光泽。


  我是个不嗜甜的人,所以很少有甜点会让我觉得难以舍弃。但是我对这个草莓披萨真的是一见钟情,再见倾心。于是我觉得决定自己动手,吃他一个过瘾。 材料: 饼底:2 杯中筋面粉,1 小勺泡打粉(baking powder),两条(266 克)室温黄油,1 杯碎熟坚果。 奶油馅:8 盎司室温奶油奶酪(Cream Cheese),16 盎司奶油(heavy cream),半杯糖粉。 草莓馅:1 磅新鲜草莓,13 盎司草莓釉(strawberry glaze)。 做法: 1、面粉和泡打粉混合拌匀。 2、黄油和面粉一起拌匀成团,然后加入坚果拌匀。 3、烤箱预热 350 华氏度(175 摄氏度)。 4、把面团放在烤盘上面,按压成饼,放入烤箱烤 20 分钟左右。 原配方是用一个圆形的披萨烤盘,我用的是小烤盘。 5、把烤好的饼底晾凉。 6、把糖粉倒入奶油,打发。 7、打发奶油奶酪之后,拌入奶油。 8、奶油馅拌匀之后抹在饼底上面。 9、草莓切片,和草莓釉一起拌匀,倒在奶油馅上面即可。

Strawberry Pizza with Heavy Cream

  I’m not a dessert person, but I fell in love with this strawberry pizza when I first met her. I think I’d never say no to her for rest of my life.  Ingredients: Base: 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 2 sticks room temperature butter, 1 cup chopped roasted nuts. Cream Filling: 8oz cream cheese, 16oz heavy cream, 1/2 cup sugar powder. Strawberry Topping: 1lb fresh strawberry, 13oz strawberry glaze. Method: 1. Mix baking powder with flour. 2. Add butter into flour mixture, mix together to form a ball. 3. Add nuts into mixture, form into a bigger ball. 4. Preheat oven to 350 degree. 5. Spray baking pan with Pam, then put dough into pan, press to cover the pan. The original recipe used a pizza pan, I used small pans. 6. Bake pizza base for about 20 minutes, then take out of oven, set aside to cool. 7. Pour sugar powder into heavy cream, beat to firm.  8. Lightly beat cream cheese, then fold into cream.  9. Spread cream mixture on pizza base. 10. Slice all strawberry, then mix with strawberry glaze. 11. Top strawberry mixture on cream. 12. Serve immediately.


  相比白米饭,我更喜欢炒饭。有油有盐,吃起来更香。 材料: 隔夜米饭,香肠,鸡蛋,半个洋葱,小葱,调味料。 做法: 1、小葱切葱花,洋葱、香肠切丁。 2、碗里倒一点点料酒,然后加入鸡蛋打散。 3、炒锅倒油烧热,大火把鸡蛋炒成块状,盛出待用。 4、炒锅重新倒油,中大火,把洋葱丁炒软,然后倒入香肠丁一起煸炒至熟。 5、把米饭倒进锅煸炒至热,然后倒入炒过的鸡蛋炒散。 6、按自己的口味加盐、糖和白胡椒粉,炒匀。 7、把切好的葱花倒进锅炒软即可。 如果觉得米饭太干,出锅前可以稍微加一点点水闷一下。 8、开吃!    

Stir Fried Rice with Sausage Link and Eggs

  Comparing to regular steamed rice, I like stir fried rice a lot better. Because seasoning makes rice tasting a lot better. So if I have time, I stir fry my leftover rice as much as I can. Ingredients: rice, half a onion, eggs, sausage link, green onion, seasoning. Method: 1. Chop onion, green onion and sausage link into little pieces. 2. Pour a little tiny bit cooking wine in bowl, then mix with eggs, beat well. 3. Heatup skilltet, add some cooking oil, wait until the oil is really hot, pour eggs into skillet, keep stirring until eggs get firm and shape up, transfer into plate, set aside. 4. Add cooking oil into skillet again, adjust heat to medium heat, add onion into skillet, cook until onion get tender. 5. Add sausage into skillet, cook for about 2 minutes. 6. Add rice into skillet, adjust heat to medium high, stirring until rice heat up. 7. Add cooked eggs into skillet, stir well. 8. Add seasoning into skillet, stir well. For seasoning, I normally use salt, sugar and white pepper powder. 9. Add green onion into skillet, stir well. If you think the rice is too dry, you can add a little tiny bit of water, cover the skillet, adjust heat to low, cook for 2-3 minutes, stir several times. 10. Transfer to plate, serve hot.