Stir Fried Napa with Shrimp and Black Fungus

Napa cabbage is one of my favorite vegetables. I guess it’s because I grew up with it.

When I was little, there were not too many fresh vegetables available in winter time. I think what we had was napa cabbage, carrot, and tunip. So we had to eat napa all winter.


napa cabbage, shrimp, black fungus, onion, seasoning.

I left onion out when I took the picture.


1. Soak black fungus in cold water for about 1 hour. Then clean real good, raise with water, drain well.

2.  Chop/slice napa into pieces, seperate leaves and the white leaf veins.

You can chop/slice napa any way you like.

3. Chop onion into pieces, peel shrimp.

4. Heat up the skillet on medium high heat, add cooking oil. Add chopped onion into skillet, cook for several minutes until it gets a little bit tender.

5. Add black fungus and white napa leaf veins into skillet, cook for several minutes.

6. Add napa leaves into skillet, cook for several minutes until leaves start getting tender.


7. Add shrimp into skillet, cook until shrimp start turning into pink color.

8. Add seasoning into skillet, quickly stir it until all the seasoning is evenly spreaded.

For seasoning, I used venigar, salt, little bit sugar.

If you think this dish is too dry, you can add some water & corn startch mixture into the skillet at last minute, stir evernly, then you should have some sauce.

To view this recipe in Chinese, please click here.






1. 香肠切片,小葱切碎。

2. 把鸡蛋打进碗里,加入调味料和小葱打散。


3. 炒锅倒油温火烧热,放入香肠略煎。


4. 煎好的香肠倒入鸡蛋碗里,把香肠压入鸡蛋液中。

5. 炒锅大火烧热,多加一点油,倒入鸡蛋液炒至蛋液底层凝固,翻面再继续,直至两面金黄,中间也熟透,即可出锅。




Stir Fried Eggs with Sausage

This has been one of favorites for years, probably for 25 years now. I learned from a co-worker when I was still in China. I tried different kind of sausage, and I think I love them all.


eggs ( I actually used 4 instead of 3 eggs since they are small), green onion, sausage, seasoning.


1. Slice sausage into slices.

2. chop green onion into pieces.

3. Crack eggs, add whatever seasoning you like, then add green onion, beat well.

For seasoning, I used a little bit cooking wine, ginger powder and salt.

4. Heat up skillet on medium heat, add a little bit oil, cook sausage until it gets darker.

5. Pour sausage into egg mixture.

6. Adjust heat to high, add more cooking oil, wait until the temperature get high, pour egg mixture into skillet, stir a little bit at beginning. When egg mixture get firm at bottom, flip over.

7. It’s done when both sides are firm.

You can use any kind of sausage to cook this dish, I like the smoked sausage best.








1. 小排切块,确保每块排骨都有一根骨头。

2. 排骨冷水下锅,中大火烧开,关火。闷 5 分钟左右,捞出排骨,用温水冲去浮沫,沥干水分。


3. 把排骨用调料腌几个小时。




4. 粉丝放入冷水泡软铺在盘子底部,然后把腌好的排骨码在上面。

5. 蒸锅倒水,大火烧开,把盘子放在笼屉上,烧几分钟然后调中火,一共蒸半个小时就可以出锅了。



Steamed Ribs

Steamed Rib

I was in meat mode yesterday, and ribs was the only meat I had, so I cooked some ribs. And it turned out really good, everybody likes it!


ribs, cellophane noodle (this wasn’t planned to begin with), seasoning.


1. Chop ribs into small pieces.

I normally ask the supermarket to slice ribs into inch-wide strips, and then chop them by bones before I cook.

2. Put ribs into a sauce pan, add cold water, then cover with lid, medium high heat, bring pan to boil. Turn off the heat, let it sit for about 5 minutes.

3. Pour ribs into a drainer, raise with warm water, drain well.

4. Put ribs into a container (I used a ziploc bag), add whatever seasoning into bag, massage some, let it sit for several hours.

For seasoning, I used cooking wine, vinegar, soy bean sauce, sugar, garlic powder, ginger powder, oyster sauce, and ground pepper. If you like salty food, you can add some salt into it.

5. Meantime, soak cellophane noodle into cold water.

6. Find a deep plate (like soup plate), lay cellophane noodle at the bottom, then set ribs on top of it.

7. Fill steamer with water, high heat to bring it to boil, then put ribs in, adjust heat to medium after several minutes. Total cooking time is about 30 minutes.

Most of the time when I steam something, the plate will come out with a circle of marks of food, but this time the plate actually came out with clean edge. I think it’s because the cellophane noodle at bottom.

Stuffed Tortilla with Chinese Chive

Uncooked tortilla is my forever favorite now. The more I cook with it, the more I love it. It is so easy and convenient. And more important to me, it does not have the smell as the cooked tortilla!


uncooked tortilla, Chinese chive, eggs, spam, seasoning to your taste.


1.Chop spam and Chinese Chive into little pieces. Then add egg into the mixture, mix well to make a thick mixture.

2. Heat up the skillet on medium heat, add a little bit oil into skillet.

3. Heat one tortilla until you see little bubble coming up, flip it.


4. Scoop some egg mixture on top of the tortilla, make it flat, then hold one side to cover over the other side, make it shape as a omelet.


5. Flip the tortilla until the bottom side is golden brown. It’s done when both sides are golden brown.

You can use fork or whatever to punch some holes when you cook it, it will cook sooner.

You can replace any ingredients with something else. I tried shrimp instead of spam, it tastes good, too.

Tortilla is more crispy when first came out of pan. If you heat it up with toaster oven or re-heat it with frying pan, it won’t be too tender.






1.  韭菜,午餐肉切碎,拌匀。然后打入鸡蛋,一起拌匀。


2.  煎锅中火加热,倒入少量的油,把生饼放入锅里略煎,等看到表面开始出现少量气泡就翻面。


3.  舀适量的鸡蛋韭菜糊倒在饼上面,摊平,略煎。然后把饼的一角翻起,盖在另外一边,合成一个半圆形的馅饼。


4.  在饼的表面扎些小洞,烙成金黄,翻面再把另一面烙成金黄,饼就熟了。


Stir Fried Shrimp


Shirmp001I meant to deep fry those shrimps, but didn’t want to go through all the trouble, so here is the result for being lazy.


shrimp, seasoning (salt, white pepper powder, soybean sauce)


Shirmp001021. Use a pair of scissors, chop everything outside the shell off, including the legs.

2. Cut the outer shell from the back, and discard the vein, run shrimp through running water, drain well.

I normally cut from the second section, and all the way through the last second, you should see the vein when you through cutting.

Shirmp001033. Heat the skillet, add a little bit oil, change heat to medium high, add shrimp into skillet.

4. Keep stirring until all the shrimp turn pink, add salt, white pepper powder and a little bit soybean sauce into skillet, then add a little bit water, keep stirring until water’s almost gone.

5. Serve hot.











排骨豆角蒸面排骨豆角蒸面1  姜切片,放入冷水锅,再加一点料酒。

2  排骨切小块,放入冷水锅,大火烧开,小火烧几分钟,倒出来用温水冲净沥干。

3  锅里重新倒水,加入料酒,醋,再加一点点糖,大火烧开,把洗净的排骨倒进去,烧开之后小火煮 30 分钟左右,或者煮至排骨肉熟。

4  豆角摘好洗净,长的掰短,沥干水分。排骨煮熟之后加进锅里,加入盐和酱油,煮 10 分钟左右到豆角开始变软。

排骨豆角蒸面     排骨豆角蒸面     排骨豆角蒸面

排骨豆角蒸面5  把面条散开,铺在排骨豆角上面,加盖小火,20 分钟之后停火。

6  把面条和排骨豆角拌在一起,尽量拌匀,使面条上面沾上锅里剩余的汤汁。



Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean

Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean


This is one of my most favorite way to cook noodle. It tastes a lot better than regular stir fried noodle.

Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green BeanIngredients:

fresh noodle, green bean, ribs, ginger root, seasoning (salt, sugar, cooking wine, vinegar, soybean sauce).


Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green BeanSteamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean1. Slice ginger root, take 4 slices, put into cold water in wok, add some cooking wine into water.

2. Chop ribs into small pieces, then put into cold water, set wok on high heat, bring to boil, then simmer for several minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green BeanI had the butcher sliced ribs short when I bought it.

3. Add water into wok, just enough to cover ribs, add cooking wine, vinegar and a little bit sugar, then add ribs back into wok, high heat to boil, simmer for about 30 minutes or until ribs are done.

Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean4. Meantime, tear the edge off green bean, then tear into shorter pieces, wash with water, drain.

5. Add green bean into wok when ribs are done, add salt, soybean sauce, simmer for about 10-15 minutes, or until green bean start getting soft.

Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean6. Spread noodle over rib and green bean, cover with lid, simmer for about 20 minutes.

7. Turn heat off, mix noodle with rib and green bean, so noodle will be coated with leftover juice in wok.


Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean

Steamed Noodle with Rib and Green Bean