

做好了以后,不由的又一次感慨,健康的东西咋都没那么好吃呢 ······· 我还是继续走在不健康的吃食之路上吧。



两根香蕉,1 3/4 杯薄煎饼粉,1/4 杯白糖,2 枚鸡蛋,4 大勺黄油,1/2 杯碎核桃,1/2 茶勺盐。


1. 烤箱预热 350 华氏度。

2. 融化黄油,鸡蛋打散,香蕉碾碎成香蕉泥,核桃如果颗粒太大就再掰碎一点。



3. 把打散的鸡蛋,融化的黄油,香蕉泥,盐和糖混在一起搅拌均匀,然后拌入薄煎饼粉和核桃碎,再一次搅拌均匀,倒入刷过黄油的 8×4 烤盘,放入烤箱烤一个小时左右。

原配方要求用 1/2 杯白糖,不过我们两个都嫌太甜了,所以白糖我减了一半的份量。

我没有用那种长条烤盘,而是用了两个小烤盘,大概烤了50分钟左右。每个烤箱都是不同的,只要用来测试的牙签或者其他 tester 拔出来的时候是干净的就表示烤好了。

Banana Nut Bread

I decided to eat healthier, so I bought a bag of pancake mix with almond flour in it. I made one batch of pancake, and my husband and I feel we don’t like it that much. The pancake tastes ok, but not as fluffy as the regular flour one. I think I like the regular ones better.

I didn’t know what to do with the pancake mix, then I saw this banana nut bread recipe at the back of the bag. Of course I tried it, and we both fall in love with it. The bread tastes great!


1 3/4 cup pancake mix, 1/4 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp butter, 2 banana, 1/2 chopped walnut, 1/2 tsp salt.


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Melt butter, lightly beat butter, mash banana, break walnut into smaller pieces.


3. Combine beaten egg, melted butter, mashed banana, sugar, and salt, beat together.

The original recipe calls for 1/2 cup sugar, but both of us think it’s too sweet for us, so I cut the sugar to 1/4 cup.

4. Add pancake mix and walnut into the mixture, mix smothly then pour into a greased baking pan, bake for about an hour, or until the tester comes out clean.

Since I used the smaller baking pan, I baked about 50 minutes.

The original recipe said that it needs a 8×4 loaf pan, I used two mini loaf pan, so the bread would be smaller, and easier to store.